06 - The Darkness Was Held at Bay Today by Never Ending Beautiful Light, Also Mitski

I wish every day was today, oh wait.

Send Me Your Running Stuff!

Got a great running song recommendation? Did you go for a jog yesterday and you want to write something about it? Grab a sweet pic of the sunset? Send them to me and I may feature them here.

Send all submissions to: leggandbrain[at]nohappynonsense.net

Running Song of the Day:

Submitted by All Is On, thank you Nollasi!

Nobody, no-body, NObody, nObody, no body, noBODY, noooobody, NOBODY, nObOdy, noBODy,

Mitski rocks, good tune for running. Win win.

Felt great this morning. Coffee. Apple and Orange. Mix em, they’re different. Cover all your bases.

‘Nother coffee. Fuck laying off the stuff.

Check my weather app: 55° at 3:00PM today. Ah yisss. I am so fucking ready to get out there and crush those knee bones into the asphalt.

John “Neo” Wickerman saying his catch phrase.

Throw on my short-short kit again. Yes, same thing I’ve been wearing since day 1. Actually, since two days before day 1. Is that day -1, or -2? I guess it’s technically day -1, but I wouldn’t think Day 0 is the day before the running begins, right?

Like, zero, as a concept, has that sort of neutral-nothingness to it. I went running the day before this running thing started. So to call it “day 0” doesn’t really feel right, ya know? Like I went and jogged four miles. I want credit for that. Even if the credit is just with myself.

But on the flip side, if we call it day -2, then the next day was day -1, then the next day is…day 1? That doesn’t feel right either. It feels out of order, sort of incoherent. Perhaps the signal loss of trying to put concepts into words has bettered me today. Maybe all we can do is try our best to get the message across to others.

Anyway - I ran 8 days in a row in my current t-shirt. I put it on and it was still damp, because yesterday it was rainy and I hung it up overnight next to a bunch of other wet and sweaty clothes. Not ideal, not ideal.

Pro tip: don’t do this.

The shirt was also starting to get crusty; literally, like actually crusty from so much sweat getting absorbed into it and then when the liquid evaporates you’re left with salt crystal build-up. I like to really use my stuff, I enjoy being a crusty runner.

I’ll do some laundry tonight, or realistically I probably won’t but I have a ton of running gear, I just think it’s stupid to wear it once and then wash it. Use that shit, my dudes.

I got out there and had that elusive bounce-step you hear all the high school track kids talk about. The thing you see people talk about on tik tok running tok or whatever it’s called. The thing you dream about in your dreams when you’re dreaming. Where every step, every plop of your big damn oil-derived padded shoes feels like you’re floating on air, like you could run forever, like this world isn’t covered in shit and being hollowed out from the inside.

So I did my run, just a few miles around where I live, and forgot about the rest of the shit-covered world that’s being hollowed from the inside, and went home and ate a bunch of lentils. Good day. Good day.


8.21 miles
so it was
6.3mph on avg
1119 ft of vert
and i’ve run
43.32 miles this Spring

don’t look at my lil eczema patch on my arm plz

Good Running Video of the Day:

When Red Eyes pops up on my running playlist, I feel exactly how this dude looks while running.
Except I’m not fast.
Except I’m not skinny.
Except I don’t wear a button down shirt.
Except I don’t wear split seam shorts.
Except I run in a place that’s visually kinda ugly.

Otherwise, exactly the same, though.